People Are Talking About The Free Alberta Strategy

Last week, we were very pleased to launch the Free Alberta Strategy, a new plan to Free Alberta from Ottawa's corruption, control, and economic oppression.

At our launch event, I made it crystal clear to everyone listening that Alberta’s treatment within Canada has become intolerable.

My co-authors and I, along with the four MLAs who endorsed the Strategy, laid out our concerns with Alberta’s place in Confederation, and took questions from the media.

You can watch the full launch video in its entirety on our website or, if you’re short on time, I have also recorded a short explainer video that covers the main points.

Since our launch, the Free Alberta Strategy has made quite the impact.

We’ve been covered by every major media outlet, interviewed for radio and print media, and some of the province’s best-known political commentators have weighed in.

Here are just a few of the highlights:


Dr. Cooper was interviewed on Afternoons with Rob Breakenridge.


Derek From sat down with Corey Morgan of the Western Standard.


Rick Bell at the Calgary Sun, wrote:


There is a plan way more muscular than Kenney’s fightback strategy. You can read it at Compared to the premier’s blue truck, this is the fully-loaded big boy set of wheels...

Speaking this day is the former Wildroser Rob Anderson, the party’s legislature quarterback back in the day, who led the charge against the government of former premier Alison Redford, armed with allegations of cronyism and corruption.

Now he and others backing the road map want Alberta to exercise the discretion to refuse to enforce any federal law or judicial decision unfairly attacking Alberta’s interests and end the endless money flow out of Alberta to the rest of Canada...

“The time for being nice and worrying about not hurting people’s feelings is over (said Anderson). It’s done. It hasn’t worked. We tried the nice way. The nice way doesn’t work. If that means putting the elbows up in the corner and playing not so nice sometimes then we’ve got to do that.”


Don Braid, in the Calgary Herald, wrote:


“This is about the right and the power to govern yourself,” (Anderson) says. “The ultimate sovereign power in the province of Alberta is going to be, under this strategy, the legislature — much like the National Assembly in Quebec.

“What we’re proposing is really not much different than what Quebec has done... Ottawa can pass whatever bills they want but if what Ottawa passes is not in line with what the government of Alberta says on the subject,” then the legislature would be supreme.

Many Albertans will like this plan. Federal leaders should not ignore it.


Though the Strategy’s launch is now complete, our work is just beginning.

We’ll be promoting the Strategy all across the province in the coming weeks and months.

You can help us by signing our petition, following us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, sharing this email with your friends and family, and encouraging them to sign our petition too.

Thank you for your continued support of a strong and sovereign Alberta within Canada!

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