The Free Alberta Strategy Petition

Showing 10197 comments

  • Dan Bikman
    signed 2021-09-29 03:50:16 -0600
    Thanks for starting this movement !!!

    Without change our children and grandchildren will never known the rich opportunities we’ve all enjoyed in Alberta
  • federica spataro
    signed 2021-09-29 00:43:46 -0600
  • Bill van der Lee
    signed 2021-09-28 23:36:58 -0600
  • Diedra Black
    signed 2021-09-28 23:30:39 -0600
  • Brian G.
    signed 2021-09-28 22:41:07 -0600
  • Andrey Berezovskiy
    signed 2021-09-28 22:30:02 -0600
  • Marjorie Hutchinson
    signed via 2021-09-28 22:29:14 -0600
  • Allison Atwood
    signed via 2021-09-28 22:28:31 -0600
  • Declan Carroll
    signed 2021-09-28 22:19:52 -0600
    Look at what has transpired in Canada over the last 2 years. How are we any different then Communist China? I challenge anyone to debate me on that last statement. I didn’t sign up for this and it’s time for Alberta to leave. Canada as it stands does not share our values as a free, open, fair and just society.
  • Chris Stanley
    signed 2021-09-28 21:58:20 -0600
  • Melissa Newton
    signed 2021-09-28 21:54:18 -0600
  • allan hunter
    signed 2021-09-28 21:48:48 -0600
  • Ray Kerpan
    signed 2021-09-28 21:43:44 -0600
    It’s time we stand up for our freedoms and our beliefs!
  • Mark Laye
    signed 2021-09-28 21:42:45 -0600
  • Denis Botnaru
    signed 2021-09-28 21:42:13 -0600
  • Donna Slatter
    signed via 2021-09-28 21:39:02 -0600
  • Valerie Leuf
    signed via 2021-09-28 21:26:15 -0600
  • Patricia Holloway
    signed 2021-09-28 21:17:20 -0600
  • Donald G. MacDonald
    signed via 2021-09-28 21:17:11 -0600
  • Gerald Miller
    signed 2021-09-28 21:12:00 -0600
  • Nolan Rohl
    signed 2021-09-28 21:04:51 -0600
    I have been saying this for a few years now, nice to see you geniuses finally figure it out.

    However I have also been saying that a higher level of detail in the disclosure of these plans needs to be readily available to those who are interested in supporting.

    We live in the information era and people are more interested in details than buzzwords, the sooner this transition is made, the sooner you’ll get all the support you need.
  • Darius B
    signed 2021-09-28 20:53:28 -0600
    This is perhaps the dumbest thing I’ve read recently, and I’ve been knee-deep in anti-vaxxer nonsense for the last month. NONE of this would work, because that’s not how ANY of this works. Alberta is not hard done by. We need to get the hip off our shoulder. Please. Wake up. Don’t buy into this nonsense.
  • Thomas Anderson
    signed 2021-09-28 20:46:00 -0600
  • uthman khan
    signed 2021-09-28 20:39:27 -0600
  • John Hagg
    signed 2021-09-28 20:38:44 -0600
    100% supportive
  • Kyle LeBlanc
    signed 2021-09-28 20:37:07 -0600
  • Jonathan Schonewille
    signed 2021-09-28 20:35:25 -0600
  • Kevin Price
    signed via 2021-09-28 20:33:34 -0600
  • Leon H. Craig
    signed 2021-09-28 20:33:01 -0600
  • Terese Karpluk
    signed via 2021-09-28 20:24:53 -0600